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How to switch from Button Control to Bluetooth Control


Module Connection Guide

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Identify Your Components:
    • Your setup should include a green board and a white module.
    • Note that your configuration might look slightly different, but the components will remain the same.
  2. Understand the Default Configuration:
    • By default, the system is connected to the green board for manual light control.
  3. Switch to WP-Controlled Module:
    • Disconnect the connection from the green board.
    • Reconnect it to the white module for software-based control.
  4. Verify Software Connection:
    • Ensure the software you are using can detect the module after switching the connection.
    • The module should now be available for control, depending on the software you are using.

Once connected, your module is ready for software-based control. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact our support team.